Bridgetown Community Association Dues:
Bridgetown Community Association Dues dues are levied once a year. Dues are mailed to homeowners in December.
The dues pay for community expenses including: mowing the community's common property; upkeep of the beach, parks, and lakes; insurance; and security for special events. The dues also pay for recreational activities including: Fourth of July celebration, Octoberfest, and Santa’s visit at Christmas time.
Residents must pay dues to enjoy the amenities and activities in Bridgetown which include: parks, beach, lakes, basketball court, community center, and special events. Residents can pick up their 2024 activity/amenities buttons and wristbands after they pay their dues. A resident or their guest must display the button or wristband while using the amenities.
Residents who use the boat ramps can pick up a boat parking/ramp tag after they pay their dues. The tag must be displayed on the rear view mirror of their vehicle while utilizing the boat ramps and boat parking. Boat parking tags can be picked up at the Community Center.
Late Fees:
* $1 A month is added to dues for every month late (i.e. $2 added in April, $3 added in May, $4 added in June, etc)
NOTE: Dues not paid by May 31, 2025 will be subject to a $75 legal/collection fee.
*Dues can be paid in person at the Community Center. Hours are Saturdays 12:00pm-3:00pm. They may also be paid during BCA Board meetings which are held the First Monday of every month at 7:00pm.
Dues can be paid with a major credit card via PayPal. You can pick up your Activity Buttons/bands at the community center during office hours or board meetings.
*Due to a lack of volunteers to process requests, we are unable to mail Activity Buttons/Bands. If you can not pick them up during office hours - other arrangements can be made by emailing [email protected].
Bridgetown Community Association Dues dues are levied once a year. Dues are mailed to homeowners in December.
The dues pay for community expenses including: mowing the community's common property; upkeep of the beach, parks, and lakes; insurance; and security for special events. The dues also pay for recreational activities including: Fourth of July celebration, Octoberfest, and Santa’s visit at Christmas time.
Residents must pay dues to enjoy the amenities and activities in Bridgetown which include: parks, beach, lakes, basketball court, community center, and special events. Residents can pick up their 2024 activity/amenities buttons and wristbands after they pay their dues. A resident or their guest must display the button or wristband while using the amenities.
Residents who use the boat ramps can pick up a boat parking/ramp tag after they pay their dues. The tag must be displayed on the rear view mirror of their vehicle while utilizing the boat ramps and boat parking. Boat parking tags can be picked up at the Community Center.
Late Fees:
* $1 A month is added to dues for every month late (i.e. $2 added in April, $3 added in May, $4 added in June, etc)
NOTE: Dues not paid by May 31, 2025 will be subject to a $75 legal/collection fee.
*Dues can be paid in person at the Community Center. Hours are Saturdays 12:00pm-3:00pm. They may also be paid during BCA Board meetings which are held the First Monday of every month at 7:00pm.
Dues can be paid with a major credit card via PayPal. You can pick up your Activity Buttons/bands at the community center during office hours or board meetings.
*Due to a lack of volunteers to process requests, we are unable to mail Activity Buttons/Bands. If you can not pick them up during office hours - other arrangements can be made by emailing [email protected].
Pay Online - Pick Up Buttons/Bands at Community Center (NOTE: Paypal charges a fee for each transaction. The fee has been added to the payment.)