![]() There's that two year old running through my yard again, throwing his dirty diaper on my grass. Where are his parents? Sound crazy? Yes, but that kind of thing is happening across Bridgetown. Before you call DCS, let me explain. ![]() Dog lovers will tell you their pooches are members of the family. So why aren't people treating them like one? You wouldn't let you 2 year old son go running in other people's yards and throw his dirty diapers in the front lawn. So why are people letting their dogs run wild and poop all over the place? The Bridgetown regulations state that dogs are supposed to be on leashes when they are off your property. Common courtesy states you should scoop the poop when you are walking them off your property. We have a lot of walkers in the community, and no one wants to step in your dog's poop. And if you love your dog, you won't let him run free. It's just not safe. I nearly hit a dog running across the street one night on my way home from work. So please, keep your dog on a leash and don't leave dirty droppings behind. It's a matter of safety, courtesy and community.
![]() The picture posted here if of me and my daughter finishing the Move It Memphis 5K in February. As you can see, we are not thin people. And if you look closely, you can see there are no people behind us. We were the last people to finish the 5K! But you know what? We finished. And it felt good! Don't let fears of not being "in shape" stop you from doing something that feels good when you are done. Don't let fears of "being last" stop you from joining the fun. Because if I can do it, you can do it too! Please join me Saturday, April 12 for Bridgetown’s First Easter Bunny 5K Color Run and Walk. It starts at 12:30 at the Bridgetown Community Center and ends at Okechobee Park where the Easter Egg Hunt is held. The Easter Bunny will be leading the race! (I will be somewhere near the back with a smile on my face.) T-shirts, water stations and finisher’s medals for participants are included in the registration fee. Entry Fees: $25.00. Checks made payable to Venture Crew 373 they can be dropped off at 4198 Bienville Road, Nesbit, MS 38651. Contact: Sarah Ellis, 901-212-9740 , via email: [email protected] A child's joy over the simple things is something adults tend to lose sight of as we get older. Now admit it, you felt like running in the sand when the temperatures climbed to nearly 60 degrees today. After a very harsh winter, and the horrible ice storms, you probably wanted to jump for joy. So why didn't you? It only takes a minute or two to run across the sand and feel the warm air on your skin, but the great feeling will stay with you for the rest of the day. Don't let the kids have all the fun. Run in the sand, swing on the swing, bask in the sun and enjoy this beautiful weather and our beautiful community.
![]() I love watching the sunrise from Sunset Lake. It's like a little inside joke for people who live in Bridgetown. What is no joke is how cold it is right now, 14 degrees! The pink glow in the winter sky offers no promises of warmth today. But the beautiful winter sunrise still makes me smile. I know that it is one of the last frozen greetings I will see this winter. But for now, I am in my warm house, lulled by the sounds of my still sleeping family, and a roaring fire. Spring is just around the corner. ![]() It's not something you see everyday, especially in Mississippi. A Christmas tree sitting on top of Sunset Lake. Well, technically it was on top of the ice on the lake. Both are unusual sights here in Bridgetown. The meteorologists are blaming the unusually cold weather this week on a "Polar Vortex." I call it winter. I spent the first half of my life in the Northeast, where ice always froze on the neighborhood pond, and we all had our own pair of ice skates. The last half of my life has been dedicated to staying out of the Northeast. I don't like cold. And I really don't like ice, unless it is in an ice rink. Living in the South has been the best decision I ever made. But this week's freezing weather has reminded me of the neighborhood where I grew up. It was a good neighborhood, where kids played outside, even in the winter. Where neighbors waved as you walked or drove by. Where neighbors ring your door bell to let you know you left the garage door opened. While many of my friends are now nostalgic about "the way things used to be." I can boast about "the ways things are." After I took the picture of the Christmas tree on the ice, I continued to drive to the community store, and waved back at the two people who waved at me as I passed. And while it is freezing outside, my heart is warmed by love for my community. -Christie Barclay Webmaster |
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